Vincular cuenta clash of clans android
How to sync my clash of clans account
First of all, we open Clash Of Clans on our iOS device and go to settings, then we select the option “Link device” then we select “Old device” and then the option “I want to link another device” since the new device is Android. On the spot we are provided with a code that we will have to enter in the clash of clans on our Android device.
When we start the App on Android and start the game, as if it were a new user (at least until the guys at Supercell update with more startup options). Once finished the usual tutorial, we go to “settings” and press the “Link disp.” option.
Recover clash of clans account
This game was developed by the company Supercell, it has a variety of updates so it is essential to use the internet to be able to use it. In Clash of Clans you have to create a village and defend it.
It should also be noted that for many users to be able to maintain their game is important, but they worry if they lose their equipment or change it for a new one. Therefore, we will now explain the steps to be able to keep the village and therefore your game so that you can enjoy it from another device.
First of all, it should be noted that changing your Clash of Clans account to another device is a simple procedure. Initially you must enter the game account, once you have it open you can go to “settings”. Then click on the “link” device option.
Also in the link devices window you will be able to see two options which include “this is the old device” and “this is the new device”. In this case, since you want to change the account to a new device, you must select the first option.
How to move a clash of clans account from android to ios 2020
When you create a Supercell ID for all your accounts, remember to check the “Remember me on this device” box to make it much easier for you to switch between your different accounts. This way, you won’t have to type in the confirmation code every time you log in.
Remember that if you uninstall the app on an Android device, your Supercell IDs will be deleted. On iOS, these will only be deleted if you restore the device’s system. In this case, repeat the above steps again.
How to link clash of clans from android to ios
So far so good, but… what about those who play Clash of Clans from their iPhone or iPad (iOS devices) and want to continue playing the “same game” on their Android tablet or smartphone? This is my case. [Continue reading]
I have an iPad Mini, and a Samsung with Android, and so far I have played from the iPad. Is there a possibility to sync my game on iOS so I can continue playing on the Samsung, without having 2 games or starting from scratch? The answer is yes; here I detail all the steps to follow to synchronize the game or level, and thus continue playing with your devices with the same profile.
The resolution of the problem lies in linking your iOS device to your Android device. The game now allows you to play on both platforms, whenever you want. To do this we do the following:
The correct option is “New device”. This option means that you want to link another game/profile from another device (the one you want to play) to this one, which is the new one. It is very important that it is this option and not the other one, in this case a space will appear for you to insert your link code, which you will have to get it from the game you want to continue playing.