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Vincular clash of kings

Vincular clash of kings

Vincular clash of kings



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Griff is Jon Connington, and Young Griff is Aegon. If we speak of Jon Connington as a Targaryen we should assume that his mother is Targaryen, which is impossible, since of that generation of Targaryen there was only one man and one woman (Aerys and Rhaella) and I don’t believe that Jon’s father was married to any of the descendants of Aerion Llamabrillante.

The Ned Stark thing is just a theory…. It is believed that he could be alive because before the beheading when Arya sees her father in the sept of Baelor she thinks he is almost unrecognizable, because of his stay in the dungeons and when Joffrey makes Sansa look at her father’s head nailed to a pike, she does not recognize it, but she recognizes that of the septa, which is next to it.

The theory says that it could be that Varys helped him escape through the hidden passages of the red fortress as he did with Tyrion and replaced him with someone of similar appearance, but very emaciated, because it is assumed that in the dungeons Ned sees his appearance very deteriorated by the harsh conditions he has to endure.

clash of kings price

Hi again user35131 Can you hide any confidential data and save the PBIX to OneDrive or Drop box?Right click on the file to give evereyone read access and then copy and paste the link into this chat.Then we can replicate the error, see why it is going wrong and help you fix it.

How do you link the tables to the measure because when I see in the values section it is only the columns is that possible also incorporating all the measures into the aggregate measure table? I’m not sure how to do that and if that is key.

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I would like to filter by data segmentation from the Book column and show all books that correspond to the same “Book” book series selected. Is it also possible to highlight the specific selection but show all books as well?

Is there any way to write a measure that if I were to select, for example, New Moon or any Twilight Book Series book in slicer, my table would show all books within the corresponding “Book Series” column as well as highlight the selected ones to compare with other books?

Hi again user35131 Can you hide any confidential data and save the PBIX to OneDrive or Drop box?Right click on the file to give evereyone read access and then copy and paste the link into this chat.

4) If you click on the Model icon (third icon down in the left bar) you will see that there are no relationships. As I tried to explain before a slicer does what it says on the tin. it slices!!!! If you build relationships then you would cut relationships and you would not be able to show other books in the series. So you must use detatched tables in this scenario. I hope you understand now??

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